Convention Centre,
Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia
10th– 12th, October 2024
Dialysis Access (APSDA)
in Conjunction with
Indonesian Society of Nephrology Annual
Scientific Meeting ( PIT PERNEFRI)
APSDA 2024
dr. Anantika Riani, SpPD +62 813-8181-8923
dr. Marciyasa, SpPD +62 812-9403-8179
dr. Etik Mertianti, SpPD +62 812-3259-539
Pernefri Bali – +62 813- 3711- 7108
- The types of articles accepted include Case Reports, Evidence-Based Case Reports (EBCRs), original articles, systematic reviews, or meta-analyses.
- Manuscripts must be free of plagiarism and original.
- Manuscripts should be typed using standard English language according to the guidelines of the English Language Council.
- The use of materials protected by Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) or patents is prohibited unless permission is obtained.
- The top three participants in the research category will be selected and included in the Young Investigation Award (YIA), which will be judged during the designated oral presentation session to determine the first, second, and third place winners.
- Participants in the research category who do not qualify for the YIA selection will be selected as 10 finalists to present their papers in the oral presentation session, and first, second, and third place winners will be chosen.
- Participants in the research category not included in points 5 and 6, as well as the Case Report category, will create posters and will not have an oral presentation session, but will be directly selected as first, second, and third place winners.
- The decision of the jury is final and cannot be protested.
- All participants of the scientific competition must be registered as participants of APSDA 2024 with proof in the form of a photo or scan of the registration receipt sent to the committee’s email at along with the submission of the abstract (prioritized for assessment).
- The deadline for the submission of abstracts is September 10, 2024, at 00:00.
- A participation certificate for the scientific event will be provided once the participant has submitted the abstract, and e-poster.
- All participants of the scientific competition must provide consent for their paper to be included in the scientific book of PIT Pernefri 2024 & APSDA with an ISBN or INA-Kidney or other related Pernefri scientific books/journals.
- The abstract consists of 1 page
- The abstract should be written on A4 paper and formatted with typing margins: left 4 cm, right 3 cm, top 3 cm, and bottom 3 cm.
- The abstract begins with the title of the scientific paper, followed by the name of the primary author, then the second and third authors, followed by the related division, medical faculty, and affiliated university. The title of the scientific paper is written in Times New Roman font size 12, and the author names are written in bold using Times New Roman font size 10. The maximum number of co-authors is 9. Co-authors’ names, divisions, faculties, and universities are written in Times New Roman font size 10. The spacing at the beginning of this abstract section is 1.
- The content of the abstract for research results should include an introduction, method, results, discussion (IMRAD), conclusion, and keywords. The abstract content for case reports should include an introduction, case illustration, discussion, conclusion, and keywords. The content should be written in Times New Roman font size 10 with single spacing. Titles for each section should be bold. The abstract content around 300 words.
- The categories for the poster competition are: Research and Case Reports.
- Posters must be designed in PDF or PPT file format.
- Designs should be colorful and attractive, with no restrictions on the number of colors used. Images should be high resolution, and the poster size should be 9:16.
- Attaching paper or similar materials to the poster is not allowed.
- The poster must include the participant’s name, university or institution, and region of origin (District, Province).
- The poster will be displayed on the screen provided by the committee.
- The size requirements for the poster can be found on the website.
The Guideline For Oral Presentation
- Participants are expected to be on standby 30 minutes before the event starts in the presentation room
- Participants are expected to wear formal clothing
- The committee will announce the order of competition participants
- Participants are given 7 minutes for presentations, and 3 minutes for questions and answers
- Participants who do not attend according to the presentation schedule will be disqualified from the judging process
- One scientific work is presented by only 1 person.
- Certificates are awarded according to the name of the presenter.
- The entire abstract, power point presentation, and question and answer process will be assessed by a predetermined jury
- The Jury’s Decision is Absolute
- Participants are required to use the PPT template from the Committee